Advice for RELS 1301

Quenton Redding
2 min readDec 8, 2020


I’ll have to say this class is by the most innovative way of teaching, especially since we’re stuck inside due to the pandemic. You are given three different ways of learning the topic: watching videos about the subject, Listening to podcasts, and reading various articles and excerpts from books. After doing all of that, instead of taking quizzes to see what you learned, you get to write a blog about it. I thought it was pretty unique because you get to write about what you learned and gain experience with blog writing and how to use sites like medium and slack.

Slack was my biggest struggle with this class, personally, because I kept forgetting about it. If I had to give any advice to find one day you can focus only on this class to knock out the work. The workload isn’t heavy and very manageable to do if you keep up with the work. Also, take notes from everything you learn. They will come in handy when your studying for the test. Also, look at the review for the test!

New religions invented my favorite topic. Read pay attention to a lot of the material on this topic. Hopefully, the professor adds a section about Mithras’ cult. I did a little extra research on them and had some exciting details about them. To sum it up, try not to get behind on the work, and communicate as much as possible in the slack app. The professor posts extra resources and important news about the class, which going come in handy as we still are expected to be dealing with this pandemic going into the next year.

